More details as far as specific times, dates, and locations are still to be determined. We are looking to schedule events at a variety of times and locations so that we can include as many members and interested parties as possible. In the meantime, look through the lists below and leave suggestions in the comments. There are at least two events planned per month.
Tasting Schedule:
January: (Look for these dates and locations to be determined in the coming weeks.)
- Cellared Beer/Barley Wine
- CBE BowlingNight*
- Stout/Porter
- Super Bowl Party - February 20, 2011*
- Out of Market Beers Only (beers only available outside of Missouri)
- Chocolate & Beer Pairing (featuring Patric Chocolate)
- Blind Tasting (Belgians vs. Non-Belgians)
- KC Field Trip**
- Rye/Black IPA
- Introduction to Beer Tasting*
- Wild Night
- Cheese & Beer Pairing
- West Coast Beers
- Picnic*
- Summer Beers
- Members Only
- Bring Whatever
- Cooking w/Beer Potluck
- Beers from Michigan
- High Gravity Beers
- Fall Seasonal
- CBE Bonfire*
- Holiday Seasonal
- Yankee Swap
* Open to anyone. No membership fees required.
** Open first to members. Non-members will have an opportunity if there are empty slots.
The homebrew events will be open to anyone who is interested. We're even more flexible with these events so as to meet the needs of the homebrewers in the group.
Homebrewing Schedule:
Feb. - Homebrew Only Tasting
April - Homebrewing w/John Cannon
June - Homebrew Demo
Aug. - Mini-Hoembrew Contest
Oct. - Homebrew night to discuss what different hops can add to a
Dec. - Homebrew night to discuss what different grains can add to abeer (or yeast)
What are you thoughts on this tasting schedule? Are we missing something? Which events would you attend?
If you can provide space for any events, either leave a comment or contact a CBE officer.