Thursday, November 4, 2010

CBE Notes - 11/04/2010

The CBE officers met last night for our monthly meeting. There was plenty to cover as we have a couple of busy months ahead of us. First of all, we did not receive a treasurer's report, but Jason assures us that there is money in the bank...

Anyway, the first order of business was the charity beer dinner at Sycamore in January. Tickets go on sale November 9th. The dinner will start at 6PM and will cost $60 per person. There is a limit of 60 people. So, be sure to order your tickets right away. We'll be unveiling more details regarding the charity and incentives for the dinner as they come. Check the Sycamore website for more details.

Speaking of the charity beer dinner, we are in need of some volunteers. At a minimum, we will need 5-6 CBE members to volunteer. Sycamore is providing some volunteers of their own and career center's culinary arts program is also chipping in. Just contact the CBE officers if you're interested in helping.

Our next tasting will take place on November 15 at 9PM at Sycamore. The focus will be on beers brewed in Colorado. So, dig out your favorite beers from Oscar Blues, Avery, Great Divide, Ska, etc. for this state-themed tasting. Here's a list from RateBeer of Colorado breweries.

On November 20th, some CBE members will be getting together for a tasting of spiked beers. What this means is that we're getting our hands on some spikes that can be added to beers in order to demonstrate what an irregularity might taste like. Although this event would be particularly interesting to homebrewers, even the casual beer enthusiast might get something out of it.

In December, we are starting a new tradition with the first ever CBE Yankee Swap. Members and guests will be expected to bring a beer-related gift (or just beer) worth no more than $15 for an exchange. Names will be drawn from a hat and the first person chosen will have his or her choice of the loot. However, the second person may choose to steal the first person's choice or pick something new. This carries on until all the gifts are exchanged. People should bring beer as well for this event.

For the Yankee Swap, we are still looking for a location. If you would like to provide space for this get-together, let a CBE officer know. The person who volunteers space will determine whether we have the swap on December 11th or 18th.

There will be more to announce and share in the coming months. In order to keep track of beer events in and around Columbia, you can check out the calendar below. If you have a Google Calendar yourself, you may also subscribe to the CBE calendar or simply return to the blog.


  1. How do I add this calendar to google calendars?

  2. See if this helps:


Keep it civil.