Thursday, January 27, 2011


Social media is great, but sometimes overwhelming when you get a lot of news coming at you from different places. I thought I'd condense it, since there's a lot in my RSS feed today.

Evan Benn of Hip Hops column in the STL Post-Dispatch reports on the opening of the new Urban Chestnut Brewery on Wednesday with 5 of their beers on tap. Read more about the brewery and sign up for their newsletter or read their blog here. He also talks about the new Parma Grill (not quite open yet) that will take over Mattingly Brewery's former space.

In addition, a Hip Hops mobile beer app will be unveiled on Friday. I can only assume it will focus on St. Louis breweries and stores, but good to know for future roadtrips. Between that and OnTapKC, we can find out about beer releases sooner. Now all we need is an app for CoMo. Developers....? I've been playing around with Untappd which is a mobile website rather than an app, so you can share your beers/location with your friends through that site, and choose whether to also post on Facebook or not. You earn badges for adding certain beers to your roster.

The other rumor going around is that Green Flash Brewery is scouting around in Missouri. That would be another welcome addition to our shelves in 2011. Stl Hops got it straight from the horse's mouth that it will be July/August. I brought a bottle of their stout back from California and found Le Freak in Chicago and enjoyed them both. Oh, and in case you're wondering which Firestone Walker beers are coming, here you go.

Locally, the Hopslam frenzy is nearly over, but we're still waiting to hear when Uprise Bar at Ragtag will tap their keg and bring out last year's bottles they saved. CBE has several events coming up: the cellared/aged beer tasting on Jan. 31st, the Super Bowl party, and the stout/porter tasting in Feb. Be sure to RSVP and report what you're bringing on our Facebook page.

Update: Hip Hops also posted a good St. Louis Brewery Guide today.

1 comment:

  1. So, this gives us the following beers set to arrive in Missouri (in no particular order):

    Green Flash
    Firestone Walker

    What am I missing?


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