Here's what's been going on with you CBE and what lays on the horizon...
The British Isles tasting was a success, judging from our poll numbers. Members scored the tasting a 3.7 (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest), despite their overall impression of British beers rating a 3 average. Members cited IPA's, stouts, and scotch ales as their favorite styles of the evening. Jason's Bitter Beer Face IPA was the favorite beer sampled. Our host Flat Branch rated a 4, no doubt thanks to Jarrett's hospitality (read: Scotch).
The group is considering charities for an upcoming beer dinner. So far, Pints for Prostates, American Liver Foundation, and the local slow foods movement were mentioned as possible benefactors. The Columbia food pantry has also been mentioned as a charity to support. The officers are currently looking into charities and would welcome any suggestions.
Speaking of the charity dinner, former president, Jamie, is organizing a brew day for the CBE to provide its own beer. Here's what Jamie has to say about this brew session on the CBE website:
On January 9th, Sycamore and the CBE will be co-hosting a charity beer dinner that features beers from different Missouri breweries. The CBE has also decided to donate it's own beer (as brewed by CBE members) to this event. The brewday will be at my house and is tentatively set for October 17th and will probably be a night brew session (i.e., it will start around 5pm).
A few of us met last week to discuss the beers that we will be brewing and came to the decision to brew two 8-9% imperial stouts. The base recipes will be nearly identical but one of the beers will be secondaried with oak /bourbon (this beer will also have some coffee malt) and the other beer will be infused with maple/vanilla beans. For those interested in participating (brewers and/or non-brewers), just RSVP or post a note below. If you would like to help out with drafting the recipes just let me know and I'll send what Matt E. and I have worked on thus far.
We would really appreciate any and all CBE members or those interested in contributing to this special brew to step up and volunteer. Donations of time and/or money would be appreciated. Simply RSVP at
the CBE event site and plan to show up ready to help on October 17.
Speaking of brewing, Phil is organizing an off-tasting event. Here's what Phil has to say:
As you might have read in the blog, Jarret and I are trying to get some people to join us in an Off-Flavors Tasting. This would consist of flavor "spikes" that you add to a beer to help recognize certain flaws in a beer.
The following flavors spikes will be in this tastings:
Iso-amyl Acetate
One kit of spikes is enough for 20 people and cost $180 so if we find 20 people who are interested it will only be $9 each (some of which might be covered by CBE, still discussing that)
I need to get a feel of how many people would be interested in attending, so please post below if you are interested.
Again, to let Phil know of your interest,
visit the CBE site. While this event seems brewer-centric, all interested parties are encouraged to come. The most important thing is that people RSVP and stick to their commitment as the spikes are not free.
This post is getting long, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention our two main events for October. On Monday, the 23rd, the CBE will be meeting at a member's home for some fall seasonals. That means, bring your favorite stouts, porters, Oktoberfests, pumpkin ales, whatever you consider to be a fall seasonal beer. There is a limit of 25 people,
so be sure to RSVP.
Finally, our own John Cannon is presenting "The Science of Brewing" for the University of Missouri's Saturday Science series. John throws down the science at 10:30 AM in the Monsanto Auditorium. Details can be found at
the CBE site.